Transitory distribution of the suspended sediment in a unidirectional non-uniform flow



A 1DH modeling is implemented to study a particular case of transport in suspension along a channel corresponding to a 2DV problem. In order to include the vertical dimension, a model named α-β is used. This latter was developed to describe the vertical distribution of suspended sediment in a flow corresponding to an unsteady and/or non-uniform state, and including deposition and resuspension phenomena (SANCHEZ, 2013). Results show that in some regions of the studied domain, the α-β model describing the vertical distribution of suspended sediment, can be simplified because its two parameters (α and β) remain constant.


Suspended sediment, Vertical profile of the concentration, Non-uniform flow, Transitory state, Deposition, Erosion, Mud, Sand, Model α-β.

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_ISSN 1760-8716_

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